08.02.2019 2019



Having visited nearly 50 countries, it is interesting to analyze what is happening in the current world, in different countries,  especially in those where I have been.

World travel presents interesting thoughts and unique experiences from North and South America, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

17.04.2019 2019

Austria: Business and Pleasure

Evening connecting flight from Tallinn to Frankfurt and right away to Vienna. Almost everything went smoothly except that my Lufthansa’s flight was delayed during the departure of and not because the airline would have been guilty, but that … in Tallinn there was a “very strong wind” (?!) announced by a stewardess on board of the plane.

(veel …)

17.04.2019 2019

Beijing – Business Trip Experience with the EU Representatives

Sunday afternoon. I am looking for a flight to Beijing at Vantaa Airport (Finland, Helsinki). Long-distance flights to Asia are within an hour: Tokyo, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and the last six o’clock in the evening, our Beijing flight. In the last two hours, the Asian, Japanese and Chinese languages have dominated this part of Vantaa Airport lounge. (veel …)

19.03.2019 2019

Venezuela – 2006/2007 – Some exciting memoirs

A Surreal Day of Canyoning in the Andes Mountains (Venezuela)

Rappelling down waterfalls along the Santa Catalina River (City of Merida, Venezuela)

It’s a day that will definitely be remembered for the rest of my life. I have never done such extreme activities, and it didn’t seem very intense that day when I lived through everything. It was just a very bright day, hard to describe.

Since everything in Venezuela was extremely tentative and the agreements were not respected, life revolved around the principle: the end is good, everything is good, no matter how much time it would take until the end –  I did not believe in particular that the representative of  a company called “Fanny and…”  until the driver with the car appeared to our hotel in the morning at the scheduled time. Maybe the fact that the owner was a Swiss had to be important to take into consideration while explaining the exact timing. (veel …)

03.12.2018 2018

Flight to Nepal and First Day in Kathamandu

A way – to the Unknown/A return – from the Unknown

Nepal – tickets bought on the Valentine’s Day! Interesting, that I never thought to go to Nepal. Even some two weeks earlier – at the beginning of February it would have never ever come to my mind to go to this distant landlocked Asian country.

(veel …)

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