26.02.2019 2019


World Politics Blog talks about various international events that affect the major world processes regarding politics, economics, military and diplomacy of everyday life. Among other things, the author also expresses the views on international tensions, latent, open and violent conflicts, wars and possible peace-making, peace enforcement, peacekeeping, peace building tools, tactics and strategies that are associated with each specific case. International conflicts in various spheres – economy, social, demographic-migration, military-civil technologies, internet, etc. – are also the basis of security, which will be presented. At times, theoretical views can be added to the case studies, which originate primarily from neo-realistic IR principles, but do not completely exclude (neo)liberal and (neo)constructivist thoughts. Thus, the blog is a combination of events, the logical sequence of happenings, and perhaps to certain degree a hectic search for a world system explanation through inductive provision of theoretical ideas.

04.10.2021 2021

Afghanistan Fiasco (October, 2021)

In August 2021, the United States withdrew its troops from Afghanistan with great fiasco. At the same time, some questions remain. One of those is the large scale troops’ deployment to this country in the first place and secondly, why they stayed there for such a long time, that is for 20 years.

(veel …)

10.04.2019 2019

Security Studies and NATO 70th Anniversary (April, 2019)

In 1848 British newspaper Saturday Review explained some social problems via mentioning the word of security (“we do not know exactly when we should be alarmed about the social problems and when they  – the social problems – are caused by security”). The word was used but the meaning of it was ans still is vague, ambiguous and confusing. (veel …)

29.03.2019 2019

Venezuela: “Towards Socialist Democracy, Comrades!” (01.03.2019)

With these words, the former Venezuelan president Hugo Rafael Chávez led an everlasting revolution that he declared would take the people of the Bolivar country to a better future. The purpose of the revolution was to leave the capitalist system and to go over to the socialist governance. However, what kind of socialism was he exactly dreaming of – remained a question. (veel …)

25.02.2019 2019

2012: “Planning Peace in Syria: Russia is Coming”

European neighbors Syria and Russia act according to the old saying: if you want peace – prepare for war? Si vis pacem, para bellum – if you want peace – prepare for war. Just this kind of ancient wisdom was published last week by Russian President V.Putin,  by the head of neighboring to the European Union country, when he met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The weapons that Russia supplies to European Union another bordering country, Syria, are not for war, but rather for peace in that country as explained by Putin. (veel …)

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