08.02.2019 2019


Over the years I have supervised hundreds of bachelor’s theses; as well as master theses and have been reviewer for Doctoral Thesis. The main topics have been international conflicts and security, specifically the issues related to North Korea, the Middle East conflict, NATO perspectives, but also Estonia’s (as a small border state of the European Union) relations with Russia. Many of my former students are currently working all over the world, in governments, international organizations; and two of them have been Estonian cabinet ministers.

04.01.2019 2019

SELECTED MA Papers in Last Years


On Russia (USSR)

  • “Geopolitical Paradigm Shift in Central Asia: from Russia’s Strong to China’s Soft Strategies”, Priit Roostalu, Tallinn University (2015)
  • “USA-USSR- Egypt Relations During the Years 1952-1956” Alina Aigro, Tallinn University (2015)
  • “Strategy of Russian Federation Towards Iran at the Beginning of the 21st century ”; Jelizaveta Tšernova, Tallinn Technical University (2010)
  • “Estonian-Russian Diplomatic Relations in 1991-2007: the Question of Border”; Julia Silk, Tallinn Technical University (2010)

On Terrorism

  • “The Impact of Technology on Terrorism in the 21st Century”; Monisola Sarah Adams, Tallinn University (2018)
  • „Two Parallel Counter-Terrorism Strategies Towards ISIL: Case Studies of the USA and Russian Federation“, Triin Bostrov; Tallinn University (2017)

On US, China

  • “The Influence of the Sino-American Relations on the Taiwan Security”, Ivan Posledov, Tallinn University (2015)
  • “Western Democracy Promotion and Nation Building Under the Leadership of the US in Afghanistan”, Mirjam Kaldma, Tallinn University (2014)
  • “The People’s Republic of China – United States of America: Relations Concerning Southeast Asian Security”, Anna Zaskaleta, Tallinn Technical University (2010)


  • “Turkey’s Strategic Role in NATO in the post-Cold war Security Environment”, Turgut Can Demiral, Tallinn University (2015)
  • ”NATO – Guarantor of International Security”, Steffen Tamm (2011)

On EU and Security

  • “Eastern Partnership and Belarus: Advantages and Disadvantages for European Union Security”, Miguel Francisco Lereno Melo, Tallinn University (2015)



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