17.04.2019 2019

Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette

The presentation gives an overview of the basic concepts of diplomacy, the historical formation of diplomacy, International rules, regulations and basic documents in diplomacy (especially Vienna Conventions from 1960s); of diplomatic protocol, hierarchy, receptions, visits, table-arrangements during various dinners and alcohol with food, international diplomatic and custom writing in comparison. (veel …)

10.04.2019 2019

BRICS vs Liberal World Order? (2018)

The aim of this presentation is to give an introduction of the basics of a group of countries named BRICS. It proposes answers to various questions, like what is BRICS, why it has established, the membership, leaders of the group, goals to 2050 and what is currently happening to BRICS? Also the potential link with liberalism is examined. (veel …)

29.03.2019 2019

Changes in World Order

The aim of the presentation is to conceptualize basic theoretical and empirical principles of global norms in international politics and to analyze the problems in the context of yet again changing world order from disputable liberal world order to a new stage of world arrangement where besides the international organizations as key figures in decision-making also nation states (of various types) are participating, especially the bigger ones. The presentation also focuses on the theoretical aspects of global transition models. (veel …)

29.03.2019 2019

History of Diplomacy

The presentation focuses on International relations’ theories (in historical perspective); methods of analyses, foreign policy and diplomacy. Specifically historical empires and the emergence of the first diplomatic practices will be examined; ancient Greece and Rome international systems, Greek and Roman diplomacy are compared, Byzantine diplomacy and the origins of modern diplomacy (Italian republics) will be covered. Further – the Westphalian system, Napoleon and Bismarck and their foreign policies and diplomacies will be presented. (veel …)

29.03.2019 2019

International Conflicts

International conflicts are complicated and rather unlike – violent and nonviolent, social, economic, political, combinations etc. Conflicts transform – escalate and de-escalate. For different conflicts varied solution strategies are needed as well as for different stages of a conflict special techniques are requires. That means – we cannot have one strategy for this or that type of conflict, however, there is a set of possible conflict resolutions strategies, methods and concrete tactics that are usually practiced. Therefore, in most of the cases conflict resolutions’ strategies and tactics are rather unique. (veel …)

29.03.2019 2019

Terrorism and Media

Terrorism below has been examined within the concept of “Death of Dance” – the term coined by the US communications specialist James E.Lukaszewski (1987). Here (media and terrorism) two-sided profits are pursued: on the one hand media needs a success story and on the other side – terrorism offers its ideological and violent story that definitely gains interest of any news organization, outlet etc all over the world.

In addition, the examination of the old media (newspapers, television), new media (internet) and the newest media (different versions of social media) in comparison will be taken. A more specific case of study is ISIS. (veel …)

11.03.2019 2019

Putin Russia

Putin’s Zugzwang?

The slide show focuses on Current Russia, especially the period since 2014, after the Russia-Ukraine standoff; involvement in Syrian war, military and economic relations with Venezuela, complicated policies with China, Baltic states etc, however, the slides try to explains also the historical roots of the modern Russia. (veel …)

11.03.2019 2019

Psychology of Terrorism

Individual and group psychology, as well as leadership roles are studied. Suicides and their explanations will be presented. The phenomenon of “lonely wolves” analyzed. (veel …)

17.12.2018 2018

International Energy Security

This slides show presents the basics of general security policy in the world with the specific focus on ever-changing energy security policy in recent decades, in different parts of the world and in particular in Russia, EU. The topics offered are the concept of energy security itself, its past, present and potential future. The slideshow focuses on various resources of energy and how they influence on foreign and security policies of the countries and regions. Thus, oil, gas are the main topics, however – water, uranium etc. will also be discussed. The African oil countries, South American oil states, the Gulf countries, Russia, Norway, OPEC will be analyzed. (veel …)

17.12.2018 2018

2000 Years of Terrorism

Through the slides it is possible to analyze global terrorism with deeper historical view and examine the comprehensive aspects of the global terrorism in the 21st century. Thus, the slides provide an overview of the characteristics of terrorism; psychology of terrorism, finances of terrorism. The case studies include Al Qaeda (classical version + latest networking); Hezbollah, ISIS and some others. Fight with global terrorism and its complexity in modern times of digital world and new methods used by the terrorist organizations are also examined. The following questions (among many others) – how do various terrorist organizations react to technological developments; what will be the common weaknesses of the modern terrorist organizations; how serious is the problem of terrorism and how to fight with it – will be analyzed. (veel …)

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