10.04.2019 2019

Yeltsin-Putin Foreign Policy in 1990s and 21st Century

The following article discusses Estonia-Russia relations in a broader, globalized world, not in the context of a simple national bilateralism. The aim of the article is not to analyze Estonian-Russian relations, but rather Russia-Estonia relations, with the greater emphasis on Russia and Estonia would be mentioned in general.  The latter is due to a well-established practice where Russia’s official foreign policy statements and the address to the Baltic States, including Estonia, present Russia’s demands, however, sometimes – also the proposals in the 1990. Such circumstances  have triggered reaction from Estonia. Without specifying Russia’s positions here and giving them no assessment (positive / negative), it must be admitted that Russia has been largely the initiator of these relations, but Estonia is rather a counter-reactant.

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19.03.2019 2019

Foreign Policy, Central Asia and Estonia: Understanding and Experiences (2014)


The following article looks at Estonia’s foreign policy in Central Asia in the last two decades, up to m2014. Using the possibilities of foreign policy activities of Estonia as a small country in the system of modern international relations – from one side and;  and Central Asia as a possible, potential cooperation area  – from the other side will be examined in terms of internal and external factors. The author analyzes Estonia’s activities in Central Asia, outlines their strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and risks in the post-Soviet period.

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15.02.2019 2019

Conceptual Problems of Security – 20-21st Centuries (2011)

In recent decades, security has become a widely used concept, even a fashion word, a self who understands what this term and concept is. Today, practitioners and theorists, including realists, neorealists, neoliberals, neo-socialists, neo-constructivists, and postmodernists, are debating security. Regardless of the specific content of the discussions, it is clear that the dominant military approach to security from the Cold War times has now led to a new recognition of security as a major threat and consequently a very important area, topic or problem. That’s how ordinary people, scientists, politicians, etc. think. In essence, it is ontological security, a priori an argument where security is widely unambiguous, an important phenomenon.

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