About Tiiu Pohl

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So far Tiiu Pohl has created 29 blog entries.
15.02.2019 2019

Conceptual Problems of Security – 20-21st Centuries (2011)

In recent decades, security has become a widely used concept, even a fashion word, a self who understands what this term and concept is. Today, practitioners and theorists, including realists, neorealists, neoliberals, neo-socialists, neo-constructivists, and postmodernists, are debating security. Regardless of the specific content of the discussions, it is clear that the dominant military approach to security from the Cold War times has now led to a new recognition of security as a major threat and consequently a very important area, topic or problem. That’s how ordinary people, scientists, politicians, etc. think. In essence, it is ontological security, a priori an argument where security is widely unambiguous, an important phenomenon.

(veel …)

08.02.2019 2019



Having visited nearly 50 countries, it is interesting to analyze what is happening in the current world, in different countries,  especially in those where I have been.

World travel presents interesting thoughts and unique experiences from North and South America, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

08.02.2019 2019


Over the years I have supervised hundreds of bachelor’s theses; as well as master theses and have been reviewer for Doctoral Thesis. The main topics have been international conflicts and security, specifically the issues related to North Korea, the Middle East conflict, NATO perspectives, but also Estonia’s (as a small border state of the European Union) relations with Russia. Many of my former students are currently working all over the world, in governments, international organizations; and two of them have been Estonian cabinet ministers.

04.01.2019 2019

SELECTED MA Papers in Last Years


On Russia (USSR)

  • “Geopolitical Paradigm Shift in Central Asia: from Russia’s Strong to China’s Soft Strategies”, Priit Roostalu, Tallinn University (2015)
  • “USA-USSR- Egypt Relations During the Years 1952-1956” Alina Aigro, Tallinn University (2015)
  • “Strategy of Russian Federation Towards Iran at the Beginning of the 21st century ”; Jelizaveta Tšernova, Tallinn Technical University (2010)
  • “Estonian-Russian Diplomatic Relations in 1991-2007: the Question of Border”; Julia Silk, Tallinn Technical University (2010)

On Terrorism

  • “The Impact of Technology on Terrorism in the 21st Century”; Monisola Sarah Adams, Tallinn University (2018)
  • „Two Parallel Counter-Terrorism Strategies Towards ISIL: Case Studies of the USA and Russian Federation“, Triin Bostrov; Tallinn University (2017)

On US, China

  • “The Influence of the Sino-American Relations on the Taiwan Security”, Ivan Posledov, Tallinn University (2015)
  • “Western Democracy Promotion and Nation Building Under the Leadership of the US in Afghanistan”, Mirjam Kaldma, Tallinn University (2014)
  • “The People’s Republic of China – United States of America: Relations Concerning Southeast Asian Security”, Anna Zaskaleta, Tallinn Technical University (2010)


  • “Turkey’s Strategic Role in NATO in the post-Cold war Security Environment”, Turgut Can Demiral, Tallinn University (2015)
  • ”NATO – Guarantor of International Security”, Steffen Tamm (2011)

On EU and Security

  • “Eastern Partnership and Belarus: Advantages and Disadvantages for European Union Security”, Miguel Francisco Lereno Melo, Tallinn University (2015)



04.01.2019 2019

Foreign Policy Values: Estonia and Russia

Estonian and Russian Foreign Policies in Comparison: Values, Society and the State.

Estonians and Russians  – two adjacent nations, one big and another small, unlike in religion, language, customs and other characteristics, have, however, lived rather a long period together in the Russian empire and in the successive Soviet Union as an outcome of numerous occupations by the Russians and the Soviets.

(veel …)

04.01.2019 2019

Baltic Regional Security

“Baltic Perspectives on Regional Security Challenges”

  1. Security and regional security – clarifications, definitions.


After the WWII the 1st Secretary General of the United Nations said that people rather prepare for the conflicts than for co-operation. That was followed by the Cold war and realism in international relations. (veel …)

17.12.2018 2018

International Energy Security

This slides show presents the basics of general security policy in the world with the specific focus on ever-changing energy security policy in recent decades, in different parts of the world and in particular in Russia, EU. The topics offered are the concept of energy security itself, its past, present and potential future. The slideshow focuses on various resources of energy and how they influence on foreign and security policies of the countries and regions. Thus, oil, gas are the main topics, however – water, uranium etc. will also be discussed. The African oil countries, South American oil states, the Gulf countries, Russia, Norway, OPEC will be analyzed. (veel …)

17.12.2018 2018

2000 Years of Terrorism

Through the slides it is possible to analyze global terrorism with deeper historical view and examine the comprehensive aspects of the global terrorism in the 21st century. Thus, the slides provide an overview of the characteristics of terrorism; psychology of terrorism, finances of terrorism. The case studies include Al Qaeda (classical version + latest networking); Hezbollah, ISIS and some others. Fight with global terrorism and its complexity in modern times of digital world and new methods used by the terrorist organizations are also examined. The following questions (among many others) – how do various terrorist organizations react to technological developments; what will be the common weaknesses of the modern terrorist organizations; how serious is the problem of terrorism and how to fight with it – will be analyzed. (veel …)

17.12.2018 2018

Security Basics

“If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking… is freedom. ” Dwight D. Eisenhower

 Neoconservative, liberal and constructivist ideas on international security. In addition, the practical side of modern terrorism is examined. (veel …)

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