Analyses and Expertise

International Security and Conflicts

It’s great to see you on my website!

This website is for anyone interested in historical and modern diplomacy, traditional security, new security issues (terrorism, cyber security, artificial intelligence), conflicts and their possible ways of resolution.

Here are also thoughts on the changes in the international approach to the general world order over the last century, and especially in recent years, when liberal politics, liberal world vision and explanations are competing with the re-emerging realism in the new version (Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer).

You will find on my website academic and non-academic articles, working papers and actual experiences in travelling around the world.

Since my education, academic activities and journeys have taken me to some 50 countries, I hope my website is for everyone who is attentive to international affairs, and will discover a lot of novel, exciting and inspirational ideas.

Tiiu Pohl (Ph.D.)

Analyses and Expertise

International Security and Conflicts

It’s great to see you on my website!

This website is for anyone interested in historical and modern diplomacy, traditional security, new security issues (terrorism, cyber security, artificial intelligence), conflicts and their possible ways of resolution.

Here are also thoughts on the changes in the international approach to the general world order over the last century, and especially in recent years, when liberal politics, liberal world vision and explanations are competing with the re-emerging realism in the new version (Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer).

You will find on my website academic and non-academic articles, working papers and actual experiences in travelling around the world.

Since my education, academic activities and journeys have taken me to some 50 countries, I hope my website is for everyone who is attentive to international affairs, and will discover a lot of novel, exciting and inspirational ideas.

Tiiu Pohl (Ph.D.)